
Lady Tasting Tea

Lady Tasting Tea A statistician, a biochemist, and a phycologist walk into a teahouse… This setup sounds like the start of a science joke. Instead, it’s a real-life scenario that showcased a potential superpower (using the term lightly) and set the stage for modern statistics. In the early 1920s, a phycologist – someone who studies […]

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Lava-Fired Pizza

Lava-Fired Pizza Objectively, a top-five human creation is the pizza. It helps when one of the constituent parts is also an all-timer, the wheel of the culinary world, a miraculous building block: bread. Whoever figured out, accidental or not, how to create bread is one of the greatest humans to have ever lived. Paired with

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Mashed Potatoes

Mashed Potatoes As humans gather around Thanksgiving tables in late fall, their feasts often include a common palette of foodstuffs, from turkey to corn to cranberry sauce to pumpkin pie. Uncle Jimmy might put a personal spin on a dish, but, odds are, he’s making it with a traditional ingredient list. Most years, Uncle Jimmy whips up a batch of mashed potatoes. Sometimes

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Perpetual Stew

Perpetual Stew Question 1: After a long day’s journey on your steed, you stop to enter the medieval inn at the entrance of a small village. You approach the counter where the innkeeper greets you. You order a room, a mead, and some food. Like modern fast-food fare, you don’t have to wait long for

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