
The website logo, featuring a string of black mountains, capped in snow, with a setting sun behind the range. The title "The Mountains Are Calling" across the bottom.

Serenity on Baxter

Serenity on Baxter The topics we feature for this project tend toward the extremes or the extraordinary. The tallest, the shortest, the biggest, the smallest, the first, the last, the youngest, the oldest. The dramatic, the bizarre, the inspirational, the important. All these superlatives and adjectives make fantastic articles. Of course, most things visible and […]

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Yosemitebear One of the great phenomena we have the blessing to experience as entities in a physical reality is one we tend to treat with familiarity because it is fairly common. Like the glory of a sunrise or sunset, upon which one could gaze two times every living day, rainbows are a marvel of physics

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The website logo, featuring a string of black mountains, capped in snow, with a setting sun behind the range. The title "The Mountains Are Calling" across the bottom.

Opt Outside

Opt Outside Since 2005, Black Friday has been the busiest shopping day in the United States. Sometime in the 20th century, the day after Thanksgiving became the de facto beginning of the Christmas gift-buying season. Though many consumers proclaim to love the frenzy of Black Friday and the deals that appear then, we need to

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Killdeer Lurings

Killdeer Lurings   Near my home lies an abandoned tract of farmland. When I moved to the area, the acreage still produced crops, but anyone who passed could see this operation would not last forever. Surrounding all sides of the land were marks of modern urban expansion. A stone’s throw to the north runs a

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