Nature’s Mothers

Nature’s Mothers This weekend is Mother’s Day. To celebrate I thought it might be fitting to send you some videos of mothers and children in the natural world. But how do you narrow that to a few examples? It’s like typing in “cat” or “dog” in a search engine and trying to rummage through the […]

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Aconcagua – South America’s High Point

Aconcagua – South America’s High Point   We’ve aimed the virtual GPS at Argentina to visit South America’s highest mountain: Aconcagua. At 22,837 ft, Aconcagua is not only South America’s queen, but it is also the tallest peak in the Southern Hemisphere, the Western Hemisphere, and the highest outside Asia. This classification makes it one of the Seven Summits –

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The Pine Barrens

The Pine Barrens Many people unfamiliar with the geography of New Jersey view the state as a mixture of sprawling suburbia and metropolis overflow. It is the most densely populated state in the country, packing in over 1,200 people per square mile. Impressively, that figure is 200 more people per square mile than second-place Delaware. More than

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Poles of Inaccessibility

Poles of Inaccessibility   The place on Earth that’s farthest from an ocean is in what nation? A: Canada B: China C: Central African Republic If you answered with China, give yourself a round of applause. The Eurasian Pole of Inaccessibility is in China, near the border with Kazakhstan, and that pole happens to be the continental

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The Vernal Equinox

The Vernal Equinox Open the windows, cue In Bloom, and rejoice at the end of winter! Spring is here again! Today is the first day of the new season! The 2023 vernal equinox transpires (transpired) at 5:24 PM EDT. From the Latin word aequinoctium, equinox means “equal night.” Occurring twice every year, equinoxes mark a change in astronomical season and happen when

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The Tilting of Uranus

The Tilting of Uranus   When I stumbled across the article with the title, “A New Approach to Tilting Uranus,” I knew immediately I had to include the topic in the newsletter. Uranus is one of those puns that everyone continues to love, despite “growing up.” I know some people who publicly claim to disdain this line

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Snapping Shrimp

Snapping Shrimp As submarines became a staple of battle in the World War era and sonar matured into a necessary tool, humans began to notice something odd in the depths. Something very weird was messing with our ability to hear sufficiently underwater. It wasn’t a Kraken; it wasn’t dolphins; it wasn’t whales. It was a

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Lituya Bay & The World’s Largest Recorded Wave

Lituya Bay & The World’s Largest Recorded Wave The tsunamis that killed over 200,000 people in Indonesia in 2004 and caused a nuclear meltdown in Japan in 2011 were disasters nearly unfathomable in scale. Tsunamis, from Japanese for “harbor wave,” are caused by the displacement of a large volume of water, usually in oceans and usually caused by

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Hubble Deep Field

Hubble Deep Field In 1990 NASA launched a telescope named after astronomer Edwin Hubble. The Hubble Space Telescope was a giant leap for the “world” of astronomy. It was one of the largest ever created and designed to be upgradable and maintained by astronauts. Since the telescope is in orbit, it is not disrupted by light

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